I was under the impression that KSA already operated Nuclear Power plants.
Nuclear power plants are an important source of electrical energy. At the moment there are more than 400 nuclear power plants (NPP) all over the world, which produce about 17% of the world's electricity.
Biggest as mentioned exist in France, and Lithuania. Somebody mentioned 3rd world labor, I am not indian or pakistani but as figures show 17 nuclear power plants exist in India alone and 3 in pakistan.
If you think about it, with all the oil Iran has, why did they go for nuclear power plants. Sure media and US will say for weapons, but there is great need for energy.
In my opinion, Saudi will need to develop and move away from oil, cause i think oil reserves will run out in line 40 years. They are already late on to the game for survival. Energy and food will the driving force of any country in future. I known saudi has already established them self of securing food resources in other countries.
Nuclear, power plants existed since 1954, they are safe, clean and are renewable energy. Its serious business, don't expect and the compare the work laborers need to build building and operate with workforce who need to operate nuclear power plants.
Most will be high skilled engineers, who will be brought down from europe, russia, or and may be 3rd world countries.
So good news to all the women who love russian men ;) here.
But I am still wondering, Saudi has so much potential for solar power. I mean solar power has become cheap and vast improvement of solar cells and battery technology. Imaging this scenario, take a 3 store building in Riyadh, imaging solar panels are designed and fixed for maximum solar absorption, The building would produce its own free energy. And to make it even better, it might even possible to give back power to the main power grid.
But if, saudi is looking at energy + security nuclear energy is the way to go. May be in future, they will also consider Fusion energy.